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A ইউনিট : 2017-2018 || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017


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authentic statement of something
overstatement of something
undersatement of something
hesitant statement of something
implicit comparison
illicit comparison
explicit comparison
elaborate comparison
since our last meeting
since I had met you last
since I had met you
sine I have met you
He insisted my going there
He insisted me to go there
He insisted for my going there
He insisted on my going there
hot and cool
good and bad
summer and winter
thick and thin
He said to me that he know who killed the tiger
He told me that he had known who killed the tiger
He told me that he knew who killed the tiger
He told me that he knew who had killed the tiger
that you deceive me
that you will deceive me
that you would deceive me
that i will deceive me
noun clause
adjective clauase
adverbial clause
principal clause
Everybody calls him a genius
Everybody says that he is a genius
genius calls him Everybody
A genius calls him
killing someone of a royal family
the act of killing a king or queen
destroying a kingdom
mass killing